
What to Expect

Joining is easy and can be done at any time of the year!

The Alpha Phi Phoenix Alumnae Community welcomes Alpha Phis from all over the Phoenix metro area.

We alternate the types of events we organize to include different generations. We hold happy hours, lunches, hikes, craft and game nights, etc.

We also take an active role in events hosted by the Phoenix Panhellenic Association, and Arizona State University Alpha Phi.

How Do I Join?

Simply sign-up! You will be added to our email list.

We will be promoting upcoming events via email, the website, and on our social media pages. Some events will have a limited number of attendees so we will use a form to establish a headcount. So sign up early to secure your spot!

Local dues for the Phoenix Alumnae Community have been waived while we focus on membership connection and growth. Our gatherings will be hosted by members with attendees contributing to the success of the event. Some events will be free, others will require a fee that will be used to support the cost of the event itself. Our priority is connecting, so please get involved and help build a meaningful community.

If you have not paid your Alpha Phi Alumnae dues, please pay via the Alpha Phi website.